

Marvelous March Funglish

Grade 1 


 Days of the Week was the last lesson of this school year for the 1st graders. They learned how to do gesture for each day based on what it represents in Japanese. Good job 1st graders for a wonderful year. Please do your best again in 2nd grade.



Grade 2


As 2nd grade students will have more English activities from April, we prepared for it by learning useful classroom English. Students enjoyed playing Simon Says and they can now listen and follow the basic English commands.



Grade 3


The last day of the English class was filled with so much happiness and excitement as they showcase their acting talent in role playing entitled “In the Autumn Forest.” Everyone did their role, deliver their lines and do the animal gesture so well. We are very proud of you 3rd graders. Way to go!

英語授業の最終日は、"In the Autumn Forest "と題されたロールプレイングで演技の才能を披露し、幸せと興奮に包まれました。みんな、自分の役割を果たし、セリフを言い、動物のジェスチャーも上手にできました。3年生のみんなを誇りに思います。よく頑張りました。


Grade 4


The fourth graders gave a wonderful presentation about how they usually spend their favorite day, using clear voices, nice gestures, and good eye contact. The students talked about the interesting routines they engage in: waking up, going to school, breakfast, soccer, etc.



Grade 5


Presenting their heroes was the last task of 5th graders in the English class. Students made used of interesting words to describe the characteristics of their heroes which made everyone smile when it’s their time to present. Good job for a job well done!



Grade 6



For their final presentation, 6th grade students made a video speech presentation for the Filipino students. They could say what club they want to join, what school event they want to enjoy, and what they want to be in the future. Good luck in junior high school!


Thank you for the wonderful 1 year, Yoshida Kids! Good luck next school year :) 



1ST GRADE (1年生)

Learning shapes was so easy for the 1st graders. Using their body parts and unlimited creativity and imagination they can make shapes and different characters. Nice work 1st graders!

小学1年生にとって、形を学ぶ活動はとても理解がはやかったです。体のパーツを使い、無限の創造力と想像力を駆使して、形やさまざまなキャラクターを作ることができました。 よく頑張りました。


2ND GRADE (2年生)

It was a fun lesson about the days of the week. Students listened to the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and played some games to practice saying the days of the week in English. Students did a fantastic job of thinking of specific gestures for each day to remember them easily.

 今日は曜日の英語を楽しく学びました。The Very Hungry Caterpillar(はらぺこあおむし)」のお話を聞きながら、曜日を英語で言う練習をしました。子供たちは、それぞれの曜日を覚えやすいように、具体的なジェスチャーを考え、素晴らしい出来栄えでした。


3RD GRADE (3年生)

3rd graders' creativity was showcased when they made their hint quiz. Everyone in the class took their time in making their hints. They also learned how to give hints and answers in English. Beautiful hint quiz 3rd graders.



4TH GRADE (4年生)

The 4th-grade students made a wonderful presentation about their favorite places in school. They were also able to give directions in English confidently. They can say “Go straight” “Turn left” and “Turn right” clearly and correctly.

4年生は、学校の好きな場所について素晴らしいプレゼンをしてくれました。また、自信をもって英語で指示を出すこともできました。「Go straight、Turn left、Turn right 」とはっきりと正しく言えるようになりました。


5TH GRADE (5年生)

Learning about family members, occupations, and what they are good at in English was very easy with the 5th graders. Next lesson, they are tasked to present their life hero to the teachers. Good luck 5th graders. We are excited about the presentation.



6TH GRADE (6年生)

The 6th graders shared many wonderful memories in Yoshida Elementary School during their “Best Memory” presentation. They also did their best during the English test. One more month 6th graders, fighting!
