
Happy rainy FUNGLISH classes in Yoshida Elementary School

The 1st graders learned how to count 1-10 in their Funglish class. They enjoyed counting with their friends while having fun.


The 2nd grade students had a Funglish lesson about weather. They learned how to say sunny, rainy, cloudy, and snowy weather in English while enjoying time with their friends.


The 3rd graders were given a task by their English teachers to have a Funglish reading challenge to the Principal and their chosen teachers while introducing their original rainbow.



The 4th graders did an amazing job in presenting their favorite day to their friends while using their tablets and communicating in English. They were able to remember the day of the weeks while using gestures. Even if “Thursday” seemed to be a difficult word to say, they tried their best to say it. Keep up the good work, 4th graders!

4年生は、タブレットを使いながら英語でコミュニケーションをとりました、自分の好きな日を友達に発表するという素晴らしい活動をしていました。子どもたちはジェスチャーを使いながら曜日を覚えることができました。 「木曜日」という言葉は難しそうでしたが、彼らは一生懸命言いました。 4年生の皆さん、これからも頑張ってください!

The 5th graders just learned how to say months and ordinal numbers. They also shared what they want to receive on their birthday.

The 6th grade students made a presentation about their school life. They were able to say where they live and what school they go to. They can also say about what they do on Saturdays and Sundays and what their treasures are using their tablet. Good job, 6th graders! 6年生が学校生活について発表しました。彼らはどこに住んでいるのか、どこの学校に通っているのかを言うことができました。タブレットを使って、土日に何をしているか、自分の宝物についても話すことができます。 6年生、がんばりました!