

Grade 1

1st graders learned how to say different animal name and the sound that they make Students found their partner by imitating each animal sounds.

Grade 2

2nd graders were fully engaged during our lesson about sports. They learned how to express popular sports in Japan, including baseball, soccer, and basketball, as well as other sports like bowling, golf, and football. The students enjoyed gesture games and 'ohajiki janken' while practicing English communication. Great job, 2nd graders!


Grade 3

3rd graders made their own business card as part of the final output for unit 6. Students now know how to spell their names and tell their initials. Everyone presented in front together with their teammates. They did a great job especially eye contact and smile.


Grade 4
4th graders used their tablets to make their own parfaits. They showed understanding and creativity and communicated effectively using the target expressions “What do you want?” and “How many?” All the parfaits look absolutely delicious.
4年生がタブレットを使ってパフェを作りました。"What do you want?" や "How many?" を効果的に使いながらコミュニケーションをとっていました。どのパフェもとてもおいしそうです。


Grade 5
5th graders learned how to say different places in town in English. They know how to give directions in English by saying ``go straight, turn right, turn left, you can see it on your right/left.

Grade 6
Students demonstrated focus and determination during the GTEC test, utilizing tablets to assess their four macro skills – listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The results will serve as a baseline for their ongoing English learning journey beyond elementary school.